Emerging Artists Group Show 2018 in Hong Kong
Natalie Sin Hoi Tung
Sin Hoi Tung Natalie, an HKDI student who studying Visual Arts and Culture. Her first art project creation started from her senior year in secondary school, which she found that painting on acrylic is her major method on artworks and this method brings her to the art world. In that period, although her artworks did not have any specific meaning, she tried to study and explore different medium on 2D work, such as watercolor painting, charcoal, pencils, photography or drawing, etc. She has also learned about making 3D works when she was studying textile and molding. However, she has not much interested in those methods.
During 2-years study on Higher Diploma, she realized that the content of her artworks was very weak and she has no idea about what she wanted to create since she just interested focusing on the technique of art methods. Coincidentally, she was encouraged when she watched a speech talked by an artist’s Muniba Mazari, a female artist who want to use painting to encourage people although her life is really tough. From now on, Natalie realizes the power of art, also she wants to be the one who uses art to give the positive image to people.
在兩年的高級文憑課程裡,她自身明白到由於她一直不清楚藝術對她自身來說有何意義,她亦暫時只對媒介上的探究有興趣,所以在透過藝術品去傳達意念對於她來說是非常困難。在機緣巧合之下,她在網上看到一條影片,是關於一位女性藝術家Muniba Mazari,縱使這位女藝術家的身世坎坷,但亦無阻她運用開心、色彩豐富的繪畫去鼓勵和讓他人感到快樂,這個行為正正打動了冼。冼終於明白了藝術的對自身價值是何其偉大,而她受這位的女藝術家影響,希望透過自己的故事,在藝術作品中展示出來去給予人正能量。